’To Whom It May Concern’ is an emerging writers night produced and directed by Salt Circle Productions. The one-hour show consists of monologues around different themes. Tonight’s theme is ’revolution’ and will be performed by brilliant London based actors.
This is an evening of letters that were never sent. A night of connection, revolution and power as we hear the voices of ’us’, the general public that is often overlooked.
Heather Woodhouse
Freddie Haberfellner
Holly Sonabend
Muireann Gallen
and writers:
David Lewison
Ellen Chelepis
Also performed by TJ Sulaiman and Adi Roy Bhattacharya
musical performer Ollie Moore
Directed by Aditi Dalal, Callista Saputra, Clara Janssen, Maisie Allen, Ben Newman and Laura Unger
Meet us after the show in the bar and meet up with fellow creatives.
@saltcircleproductions (Instagram)